How many neurons are there in the brain? This simple question has thrown up wildly dissimilar answers over the years, mostly because of methodological issues. Recently a "brain soup technique discovered by a Brazilian neuroscientist, Dr. Suzanna Herculano-Houzel and her group has answered this question with reasonable confidence. To count the number of cells in a brain, she took a small piece and chemically dissolved the cells. Then, she only counted the number of nuclei (nucleus; nuclei (plural) - is the master centre of the cell) present in the "brain soup. The nucleus can be specifically colored with a fluorescent dye, which then is counted accurately with an automated cell counter, like a cash counter in a bank. As each cell contains only one nucleus, this technique gives an accurate count of how many cells were there in the brain tissue.
Armed with this technique, she counted the number of cells (neurons, glia) in the brains of a number of different animals from the huge elephant to the tiny smoky shrew. This comparative analysis can answer one of the most vexing questions in neuroscience - what is the relationship between neuronal number and the organism's size and behaviour? The brain mass does increase with body mass, but only to a limit. Counting the number of neurons also correlates with an organism's behavioural repertoire, up to an extent. One can go further deeper by counting neurons in only a certain part of the brain since different parts have different functions. We can now count the number of neurons in the part of the brain that is involved with higher cognitive functions separately and the brain part that controls the body movements separately. This helps us to get a better understanding of how the behaviour of the organism is reflected in the distribution and the ratio of neurons in various parts.
Comparing the mass of the body or the brain weight to neuronal numbers alone cannot explain the cognitive capacities of an animal. Animals of similar-sized brains have hugely dissimilar cognitive capacities. Just counting the neuronal number is a better estimate, but larger animals have more neurons than smaller ones, but they are not necessarily smarter. Here, looking at the ratio of neurons in different parts of the brain can give further insight into this data. The number of neurons in cortex can reflect how intelligent the animal is and the number in rest of the brain can reflect the needs of the body, so a larger body should have more increase in 'rest of brain' than cortex, which should increase for smarter animal with a small body.
Comparative study of anatomical structures across animals has a long history and helped us understand the structure of the natural world. The evolutionary tree of animals was built by comparing related structures, like placing chimpanzees closer to humans than monkeys because of the similarity in the structure of arms. Similarly, comparing the neuroanatomical details can help us understand the relationship between the brains of different animals. The latest data from comparative neuroanatomy studies has broken a lot of myths about brains and its relationship with number of neurons and body mass. There are many measures used to account for the size of the brain for an organism or the cognitive capacity of the animal. But, there is no clear measure that can explain the entire picture. We hope that our 'interactive comparative digital neuroanatomy' tool will help neuroscientists and others to unearth new patterns and meanings from the data.
Content and Design: Leslee Lazar, The Centre for Cognitive and Brain Sciences, IITGN & Venkatesh Rajamanickam, IITB
Programming: Arihant Parsoya
Source Code: Github Repo
Contact: Information Design Lab IDC IIT Bombay
Published on: 22 February 2020